The New Barracks Co-operative welcomes applications for housing. In order to apply, you must first register with Salford Home Search. Once you receive your eligability confirmation, you can apply to join.
The application process is led by existing Co-op tenants and is a friendly process. You are also welcome and encouraged to come down and have an informal tour of the Estate before your interview takes place. We normally re-house only 3 or 4 households in a year.
Please download the application form below, and email to the Co-operative’s office at [email protected]. Once a form is returned, the Co-operative will arrange an interview. At the interview the Co-operative will be looking at the urgency of housing need and the applicants willingness to play their part in the Co-operative’s efforts to build a strong community. Successful applicants join a waiting list and whilst they are waiting will be expected to attend General Meetings to help them understand what is so special about moving into a Housing Co-operative.